Sunday, February 8, 2009


Henry and Gretchen

Once upon a time there were two kids named Henry and Gretchen. They both came from families that were well off and both were very smart. They had been life long friends, but that eventually evolved into love. Henry and Gretchen sailed through high school and soon they were into college. Their intelligence continued into college and their roommates despised them because they were always so affectionate towards one another. It was only a few months into school when Henry and Gretchen’s roommates devised a plan to get them kicked out of college. Henry’s roommate knew of this teacher who didn’t like Henry and Gretchen, so he decided to approach the teacher about this plan. The teacher was one of the university’s oldest professors of shamanism and her name was Wanda. She was caught off guard by such a question, but decided very carefully and finally agreed to help being the evil woman she was.

The plan was put into motion on Halloween night in Madison. Wanda was to throw a house party and invite many people, including Henry and Gretchen. Although Henry and Gretchen were fantastic students, they still knew how to party and Henry’s roommate knew that they wouldn’t pass up this opportunity. All Wanda had to do was snap a picture of the two drinking underage; surely such a picture would be grounds for expulsion. Meanwhile, back at the dorms, Henry and Gretchen received a text telling them about an awesome party. They decided that was a good way to spend their night, so they got into costumes; Henry dressed up as a woodsman and Gretchen as Little Red Riding Hood. Once they were ready, they started to pre-game before heading to the house party.

Many beers later the two left for the party. They had never been to this house before, so to make sure they could fine their way back to campus, they left a trail of broken pieces of beer bottles with every other step. When they arrived, the party had already begun. They immediately found the alcohol and grabbed a drink. Then they decided to try and find people they might know, which wasn’t easy considering it was Halloween and everyone was dressed up. Everyone’s costumes were so elaborate that they didn’t even recognize Professor Wanda dressed as a wolf. While Henry and Gretchen were enjoying themselves, Professor Wanda took that opportunity to try and catch them in the act. She took many pictures that night, but none of them were good enough. Wanda got so frustrated that she took a break and went upstairs. Henry’s roommate, seeing this, thought that she got a good picture and followed her upstairs. He walked into Wanda’s room and maybe it was the alcohol or just something about the way the skin tight wolf costume hugged the woman’s frail old body, but he just had to have her, and so he made a move. Back down at the party, Gretchen decided that she had to “break the seal” so she went to the bathroom. However, the bathroom downstairs had a line so Henry and her went upstairs. As Gretchen was going to the bathroom, Henry saw a light coming from a bedroom down the hall, so he went to see what was going on. Much to his surprise he stumbled in on Professor Wanda and his roommate in a passionate embrace. He was shocked and confused but then out of the corner of his eye he saw something glisten. It was a camera resting on a night table beside him. He acted instantly, snatched the camera and took the picture. The flash of the camera startled the two lovers, but before they could catch him he was out the door. He flew downstairs to grab Gretchen and they took off back to campus. Henry and Gretchen were long gone before the Professor or Henry’s roommate could stop them and almost immediately the picture was on facebook for everyone to see.

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